Saturday, September 12, 2009

What is this???

By now everyone has heard Joe Wilson's words, "You lie!". What is that? It's obviously disrespectful but, I wonder would he have done this if this were a Democratic, white President? Would he have done this if this were a Democratic, woman President? What has happened in our society that the office of the Presidency is publicly disrespected? Sure I've heard people say "George Bush??? He's not my president!", but I highly doubt that these same people would threaten to take their children out of school if the President were scheduled to speak at their child's school. If you really know me, I'm the very last person to pull the race card but, when it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, what do you call it? Lefties aren't free of guilt either. When George Bush's name was spoken at Obama's inauguration many booed. I also thought that this was disrespectful. That though was an entirely different context. George Bush wasn't giving a speech. What do you think?

By the way, please don't compare this to Bush's shoe throwing incident because it doesn't even compare.